专家姓名:Takashi Nakanishi
日期:2024-05-21 时间:10:30
主讲简介:In 2000, Dr. T. Nakanishi (TN) was awarded a Ph.D. from Nagasaki University under the supervision of Prof. Naotoshi Nakashima. TN was awarded a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship and worked at Houston University with Prof. Karl M. Kadish and Oxford University with Prof. Harry L. Anderson. My research career started at the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, in 2004, and since 2016, TN has been a group leader at MANA, NIMS. From 2007 to 2010, TN was also a group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces. TN is currently a visiting professor at Hokkaido University. TN is one of the Associate Editors of “Responsive Materials.”研究专长:Development of optical and electronic-active soft materials.
主讲内容简介:开发具有光学和电子活性的软材料引起了对软(生物)电子应用的关注。通过用笨重但柔软的支链烷基链修饰π-共轭部分,在室温下获得无溶剂的分子液体是一种有前途的功能性软材料。调节弹性模量(G′)对于在可变形设备中使用烷基–π液体至关重要。然而,通过烷基–π液体的分子设计实现的G′范围调控有限。提出了一种通过凝胶化控制烷基–π液体的G′的方法。添加1 wt%的低分子量凝胶剂形成烷基–π功能分子凝胶(FMG),并在保持光学特性的同时,将烷基–π液体的G′提高了多达七个数量级。由于烷基–π FMG在凝胶介质中具有功能性π基团,这种新型凝胶的π基团含量高达59 wt%,而传统π-凝胶仅为几wt%。更重要的是,凝胶状态的电荷保持能力比液体状态高23%,在可变形的机电发电机(MEG)-驻极体设备中表现更佳。这项研究中使用的策略成为开发下一代光学和电子活性FMG材料的新方法。